
Principle Investigator

Wennie Wang

Assistant Professor
McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering,
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences (affiliated),

Texas Materials Institute (GSC)
The University of Texas at Austin

Postdoctoral scholar, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago
Ph.D., Materials, University of California, Santa Barbara
B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

wwwennie [at]

Google Scholar    |     CV

Group Members

For email contacts add “”

Roozbeh Anvari
Research Fellow

Ph.D. ECE (2018)

Xin Chang
Postdoctoral Researcher

Ph.D. Chemistry (2023)

Brian H. Lee
MS&E Graduate

B.S. Chemistry (2021)

Jing Lian Ng

ChE Graduate

B.S. ChE(2020)

Suk Gyu Lim
ChE Graduate

Email: sglim
B.S. ChE (2024)


Mia(Youngju) Son
ChE Graduate

Email: young.s
M.S. ChE (2019)


Devika Kohli
ChE Undergrad

Email: dk29225
B.S. ChE (2026)

Beniam Kumela
ChE Undergrad

Email: beniam1
B.S. ChE (2025)

Hugh Vo
ChE Undergrad

Email: hughvo324
B.S. ChE (2027)

Wei Gao
ChE Undergrad

Email: hookemweigao
B.S. ChE (2027)

Olive Norian
ChE Undergrad

Email: olive.norian
B.S. ChE (2028)

Jeniah Lechelle Terry
ChE Undergrad

Email: jenterlec
B.S. ChE (2028)

Kevin Koh
ChE Undergrad

Email: kevinkoh
B.S. ChE (2025)

Visitors and Alumni

Espoir Murhula
Mining Engineering Graduate
Queen’s University

Email: espoir.murhula
M.Sc. Geosciences


Alexandra M. Anderson
ChE Undergrad
Now: UPenn Chem. and Biomolec. Eng. Grad.

Email: alexaanderson
B.S. ChE (2024)

Kody L. Anderson
 ChE Graduate

Email: klanderson
M.S. ChE (2022)


Group Photos

Open Positions

We are always looking for motivated, creative, and curious students and postdocs to join!
For Fall 2025, we are looking for ~1 graduate students to join.

Postdoctoral Researchers: Stay tuned for future job posts.

Graduate Students: Interested students are encouraged to apply to the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering or the Texas Materials Institute

Undergraduate Students: Interested students are encouraged to email Prof. Wang at with CV, (unofficial) transcript, and 1-paragraph description of their research interests and goals